Halloween candy: What satisfies Delmarva's sweet tooth most?

Rose Velazquez
The Daily Times

As cauldrons and pumpkins start filling up with candy once again, here are some goodies you might see flying off shelves first.

CandyStore.com has gathered 11 years of sales data to determine which Halloween candy reigns supreme in each of the 50 states, and some of the most popular sweet treats on Delmarva might surprise you.

Marylanders can't seem to get enough chocolate, according to the candy blog, with more than 40,000 pounds of Milky Way bars consumed around Halloween, making it the state's most popular candy. Reese's Cups came in second and Hershey Kisses third.

In Delaware, it's Life Savers that take the crown followed by candy corn in second place and Skittles in third.

Virginia has a new favorite in Hot Tamales, a popular spicy candy that residents consume more than 160,000 pounds of this time of year, contributing to its claim as the seventh most popular candy in the United States. Snickers, the state's top candy last year, came in second followed by Tootsie Pops in third.

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