5 ways to work on your beach body in the sand, surf

Instead of sticking to your beach towel, toss a football around to burn some calories while you’re enjoying the sun and sand.

Summer's always a bit of a catch-22. Longer sunshine-filled days often lead to longer happy hours which ultimately means the work day is way more enjoyable.

But it doesn't help most of us forget one thing: dreaded bathing suit anxiety.

Change up the routine this year. Instead of rushing out to Target to purchase their stock of Jillian Michaels' workout DVDs or blowing an entire paycheck on a gym membership, try using the summer elements to your benefit.

Exercising in the sand, sun and surf at the beach will do wonders for your mental and physical well-being. Just don't forget sunblock.

"At least getting people up and moving is helpful rather than just sitting there and frying in the sun," said Mike Peterson, a behavioral health and nutrition professor at the University of Delaware.

Here are five ways to get in some physical activity at the beach and hey, "If worse comes to worse carry your kids everywhere," Peterson joked.

Man and women running on beach at sunset


Any type of aerobic activity will help people get fit, but running and walking in the sand will take the exercise burn to the next level.

"Walking in the sand burns more calories because of the slippage factor," Peterson said. "It's not like running on pavement. It takes a little more energy to run on the beach."

Vary up the activity with some high-intensity intervals, too, by alternating a sprint with a walk. Your heart will go up, and the your mind will stay sharp to avoid any rogue shells in your path.

You'll feel your calves burning, adds Julia Olsen, an exercise physiology professor with Delaware State University.

Man and woman doing yoga on beach


Use those beach towels to your advantage for a mental and physical workout.

"The ocean is already calming," Olsen said.

Yoga will calm your mind even more, and the instability of the sand will help you strengthen your abdominal core. Try a bridge pose, by laying on your back and lifting the hips up slightly. Or a sun salutation in the sunshine, with the chest lifted forward, hands to the sky.

You don’t have to be a hard-core triathlete to get a workout on the beach.

Wave jumping

As the waves come, jump. You almost do it instinctively anyway, Peterson says.

"Just think of it as jumping up and down on a box," he explained, similar to the high-interval training you would do at the gym with a plyometric adjustable jump box.

Wave jumping is just safer, adds Olsen. You need healthy joints to do continuous plyometric jumps, but jumping through the waves and sand is way less impact, with the same benefit.

You propel yourself through the waves and simultaneously use the ocean as resistance.

Adult woman having fun

Water aerobics

"You don't have to go to a pool to do water aerobics," Peterson says.

Lift your legs up underwater, try some knee kicks or place your arms perpendicular to the body and twist side-to-side using your palms as resistance.

"It's not a heavy weight activity," he said. "It's fun. It's enjoyable. It cools you off in the water and you are still getting your [workout]."

Kids Playing Soccer with Dad on the Beach

Bring props

There's no shame in getting creative with your beach exercise. If you're daring, lug a kettlebell to do some swings in the sun or bring your bike to check out a trail in Cape Henlopen State Park.

Pick-up soccer games or tossing a football in the sand are good options, too. It won't seem like you are even exercising, Olsen said.

"You're focusing on playing," she said.