'Real Housewives'-type show is star of Jessica Knoll's juicy 'The Favorite Sister'

Mary Cadden
'The Favorite Sister' by Jessica Knoll

Jessica Knoll, author of the 2015 debut best-seller (and Reese Witherspoon favorite) "Luckiest Girl Alive," returns with a follow-up novel in which some of the protagonists are not so lucky – or alive.

In "The Favorite Sister" (Simon & Schuster, 371 pp., ★★★ out of four), Knoll mines the rich landscape of reality television and creates a binge-worthy beach read complete with the provocative twists and turns of a whodunit.

Knoll’s inspiration for her new book is a quote from Ti-Grace Atkinson: “Sisterhood is powerful. It kills. Mostly sisters.” Knoll says she's fascinated by "the inherent tension in wanting to support your fellow sister but also feeling threatened and frightened by her, too."

Her fondness for the "Real Housewives" franchise provides the perfect platform.

"Goal Diggers" is a New York City-based series that follows the lives of five “hyper-successful” women who refuse to kowtow to either societal or reality-show expectations.

These are business-savvy women who don't fit the typical reality construct. And all, at least according to the show’s premise, are supportive of one another.

Knoll's publisher describes the novel as "Real Housewives" meets "Shark Tank." But I would extend the comparison to include "Survivor," where there may be a sisterhood among the contestants, but, in reality, they are primarily looking out for themselves.

Author Jessica Knoll.

"The Favorite Sister" opens as taping of the show's third season has wrapped. "Goal Digger" Brett Courtney is dead under mysterious circumstances, natch. Her sister, Kelly Courtney, is mourning (or is it manipulating?) her death for the cameras in a follow-up interview to air during the season.

The ensuing story alternates between present and past, retracing the production of Season 3. All the Goal Diggers are angling for their individual storylines to carry over to a fourth season. But the tale is told primarily through the eyes of three.

Fan favorite Brett, 27 and openly gay, is pretty much the Greek chorus of the show. Her rise in likability with the audience and recent business success have made her a target of jealousy among her castmates.

Kelly, Brett’s older sister and business partner, is brought in as the newest recruit and, as a single mother, is largely dismissed by the childless members of the cast. And finally there's queen bee Stephanie Simmons, the oldest cast member who, after publishing a hit series of erotic novels, has found even greater success with a best-selling memoir.

Knoll spins a tale that would be the envy of any reality-show producer. The storylines can seem to be a bit contrived but not completely out of place. And revelations appear to come out of nowhere. But isn’t that the hallmark of reality TV?

All the women must walk a fine line of lifting each other up while individually trying to come out on top. Basically Knoll creates a sisterhood of the backstabbing kind.

Reality-TV fans will get a kick out of seeing their favorite "Real Housewives" amalgamated into book form. Hint: We see a lot of "RHONY" in these ladies.

Up for an indulgent escape? "The Favorite Sister" is definitely a guilty pleasure.