Surprise Oscar contender 'Deadpool' has a very on-brand awards ad

Kelly Lawler
This guy was never going to have a regular "For Your Consideration" ad.

In awards season the "For Your Consideration" ad is as traditional as the red carpets, the acceptance speeches and the gowns. Aimed at those lucky few who get to vote for the Oscars and the rest of the yearly accolades, the ads offer up a movie "for your consideration" for an award. They're not usually notable, being regular ads with the words "For Your Consideration" stuck in there somewhere and placed in trade publications. But since Deadpool is shaking up awards season, it was bound to shake up the FYC ad, too.

Ryan Reynolds shared a Deadpool FYC ad to his Twitter Friday, and it's exactly the kind you may expect from the irreverent and crude-joking movie. So be warned, there is some NSFW language and imagery in addition to jokes about chimichangas.

The ad may be more than just an in-joke. Deadpool has been on an awards season role, grabbing Golden Globes nods and a surprise nomination for the Producers Guild of America's top prize -- a historic indicator for the films that will be nominated for best picture at the Oscars. Director Tim Miller received a nomination from the Directors Guild of America for their first time feature award. The film received a Writers Guild of America nomination, too.

Will the ad help or hurt? Who knows, but we can't imagine what the filmmakers' acceptance speeches might be if they win.