How John Travolta apologized to Idina Menzel

Andrea Mandell
Idina Menzel on the Academy Awards red carpet.

You may remember it as the biggest flub from this year's Academy Awards.

It was also one of the most viral moments of 2014: When John Travolta took the stage to introduce Idina Menzel, who was set to sing Frozen's 'Let It Go' (did you know Menzel once auditioned for Tangled?), he instead, puzzlingly, encouraged America to welcome "Adele Dazeem."


Twitter went crazy and, by the next morning, Slate had saluted the moment with an Adele Dazeem Name Generator, which handily offered to 'Travoltify' your name.

John Travolta flubbed Idina Menzel's name while introducing her at the Oscars.

"I've been beating myself up all day," Travolta said in a statement after the blunder. "Then I thought...what would Idina Menzel say? She'd say, 'Let it go, let it go!'"

But there's no hard feelings, Menzel told Billboard. "He was really gracious and sent this gorgeous e-mail, and we're buddies and it's all cool," she said, noting he also sent her flowers. And now, she says, she's a household name. "Please, I mean, I've only benefited from it."