Another tweeting shark turns up in Mary Lee's territory

Deborah Gates
This Daily Times file photo shows OCEARCH researchers attaching a tracking device to the great white shark, Mary Lee, who has taken quite a liking to Delmarva.

Mary Lee was here first, so at least say trackers of shark travel around the globe.

So, could there be a turf war?

Mary Lee's return to waters between Cape Charles and Assateague was observed Friday, May 20, just before 8:30 p.m. Her latest arrival was six days after Lydia, whose tracker device pinged May 14 about 1:30 in the afternoon to give an alert on her whereabouts off the coast near Ocean City.

Who's older, wiser, and faster?

Lydia, a 14 foot, 6-inch long female great white shark, was tagged by OC Research in March 2013. She gets around, having traveled more than 35,000 miles.

READ MORE: Get to know Lydia a little better

Mary Lee, also a great white, is about 2 feet longer and was tagged earlier, on Sept. 17, 2012.

She moves about 19 miles per 24-hour day. She also gets around, but not as much as Lydia. Mary Lee, who last pinged in the region on Tuesday, April 12, off the Virginia coast, has 34,175 miles under her belly.

For more information on Mary Lee and Lydia, visit @OCEARCH Global Shark Tracker.

Back again: Mary Lee the Shark tracked off Va. coast

Delmarva gets another great white shark visit