What are Christmas and Hanukkah about?

Daily Times Reader Panel members talk about the meaning and significance of Christmas and Hanukkah.

Salisbury Daily Times

Christmas is about open-hearted kindness to others

For me Christmas means memories of Christmases past. Also, it means aiding and abetting others, so they have joyful and instructive holiday memories when they recall them later in life — no matter how young they are today or how old they become tomorrow.

The story of Christ’s birth is instructive.

In Scripture, the Gospel of Luke reports that Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, where Christ was born in a manger, as there was no room in the inn.

Seeing the weary travelers, the innkeeper must have thought, the battle they fight is difficult. The manger is empty. Be kind. Welcome them to stay there.

Today, millions of displaced people are fighting difficult battles; some are mothers with children, and soon-to-be mothers.

As the innkeeper did, we need to be kind and welcoming — not just during this season, but always.

Showing kindheartedness begets memories that begets kindheartedness in others.

George Timothy Mason


OUR VIEW: Christmas inspires giving, caring and sharing

Hanukkah is a fun, family holiday and a time for miracles

Most Jewish holidays have a common theme.

They tried to kill us. We won. Let’s eat.

Hanukkah is a fun holiday. Although it is a celebration of the defeat of the Greek armies by a small army of Macabbean Jews almost 1,900 years ago, it has become a fun holiday for the entire family. It is a time when grandparents play with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.

There is tons of great food, Jewish soul food. And for the young, it is eight days of gift giving and gift receiving.

I will always remember that no matter how hard times were for my folks, my mother somehow always put out a great spread for all of us, some special neighbors, and relatives from out of town.

And like the miracle of the military victory, the sacramental oils lasting eight times longer than normal, Hanukkah brings miracles every year; whether it’s a family member that just healed or the birth of a new child.

There are many miracles every year at this time.

Arie Klapholz

Ocean Pines

Christmas is a celebration of life, happiness

Christmas to me is the celebration of the birth of Jesus, who is called in my region the “messiah.”

He is my savior and I pray to him every day, so Christmas is special to me.

I remember growing up excited to open Christmas gifts. Now it warms my heart to give gifts and seen the smiles on the faces of my friends and family members opening them.

Christmas is more than just a holiday to me, it’s a celebration of life and happiness.

John Livengood

UMES Graduate

Laurel, Maryland

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