We should keep our Shore beautiful

One of the most prevalent items found littering the Shore is Styrofoam, which never decomposes.


The Eastern Shore is a beautiful place, but we humans don't seem to be very good at keeping nature clean.

The litter found along roads, in streams and on our beaches impacts the physical beauty of our region, and causes real harm to the fish, birds and other animals that share our environment.

I have participated in cleanup events both in Salisbury and at Assateague. Most of the items – plastic bottles and caps, bags, straws and wrappers – are used only once, then discarded.

What may be used for an hour or even a day will last decades or more in landfills or the environment.

One of the most prevalent items we collect is Styrofoam, which is another one-time use material. But unlike plastic or paper, Styrofoam never decomposes.

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Rather, it breaks down into small pieces that often are consumed by fish, birds and other wildlife. These particles can make animals sick and seriously degrade an ecosystem.

In addition to the harm to wildlife, Styrofoam has also been linked to cancer in humans.

The Maryland legislature is considering a bill right now that would ban the use of Styrofoam throughout the state, extending a ban that is in place in two counties.

As a Christian leader of a congregation that is committed to caring for God's creation as a precious gift, I am 100 percent in favor of this ban, and encourage other Marylanders to support the passage of this bill.

Rev. Dr. Frieda L. Malcolm


Malcolm is rector of St. Alban's Episcopal Church in Salisbury. –Editor