Letters to the editor: DuPont stands behind pension efforts

Letters to the editor

DuPont stands behind pension efforts

DuPont’s strong commitment to its retirees has long been a hallmark of our proud Delaware-based company. This has not changed as we approach our merger with Dow and our intended launch of three industry-leading companies.  The April 29 article “Retirees worry about DuPont pension move” mischaracterizes recent funding actions undertaken by the company, which are all aimed at protecting and providing for our retirees and standing behind our obligations.

This week, DuPont disclosed it will make total contributions of approximately $2.9 billion to the principal U.S. pension plan in 2017, an increase of about $2.7 billion reflecting discretionary contributions.  Proceeds from a debt offering as well as cash from other sources will be used to make these discretionary contributions.  This is a significant step to secure our pension plan, completed expressly to ensure that our plan participants can continue to rely on their pensions now and in the future. Our pension plan obligation is a top priority as we work to complete the merger and the intended separations.

We know our retirees have questions and we are keeping them informed, particularly around actions we are taking to assure retirement security.  We look forward to this continued dialogue and engaging with them to address their concerns directly.

Nick Fanandakis

DuPont Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


Words to live by

Today, I wrote to Senators Carper and Coons and Representative Blunt Rochester not in urgent request for action, but to relay my sorrow and distress. The vengefulness and heartlessness of Congress is breathtaking in its rush repeal health care for all. It is avaricious, mean-spirited and short-sighted.

Fourteen years ago, in March 2003, the late Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia stood to condemn the imminent bombing of Iraq.

I repeat with his words to oppose war on my fellow citizens, the people of America. I find his words reflect my feelings entirely.

"I believe in this beautiful country. I have studied its roots and gloried in the wisdom of its magnificent Constitution. I have marveled at the wisdom of its founders and framers. Generation after generation of Americans has understood the lofty ideals that underlie our great Republic. I have been inspired by the story of their sacrifice and their strength.

But, today I weep for my country. I have watched the events of recent months with a heavy, heavy heart. No more is the image of America one of strong, yet benevolent peacekeeper. The image of America has changed. Around the globe, our friends mistrust us, our word is disputed, our intentions are questioned."

Kathryn Jakabcin


Compassionate legislation

I wish to applaud and thank Rep. Paul Baumbach and all co-sponsors for introducing this much needed legislation to provide an option for those seeking to “die with dignity."

This legislation does not oppose the beliefs of religious groups, but merely allows people to legally seek assistance when there are incurable and irreversible disease that has been medically confirmed.

I pray for its swift passage.

Katy Woo


Return to the gallows?

The House Judiciary Committee has voted to restore the death penalty in Delaware.  The two-hour hearing included some surprising revelations.  When Rep. Sean Lynn asked what method of execution would be used, the bill’s chief sponsor, Rep. Steve Smyk, was unable to answer.

Brendan O’Neill, the state’s public defender, clarified that the old statute, which would be restored, provided two options—lethal injection and hanging.  Rep. Lynn then asked whether the DOC had an adequate stock of lethal injection drugs.

No one at the hearing was able to answer that question.  Nevertheless, the committee voted in favor of the bill—apparently concluding that hanging remained a viable option, if lethal injection proved unfeasible.

Billy Bailey was hanged in Delaware in 1996. He became only the third person to be hanged in the United States since 1965, and the first person hanged in Delaware in 50 years. He is currently the last person in the United States to be executed by hanging.

The wooden gallows at Smyrna was dismantled in 2003.  If First State is considering reverting to hanging as a method of execution, the fiscal note to H.B. 125 should include funding for a new gallows.

Jack Guerin


More stories of recovery

I am writing to express my concern with the recent heroin epidemic in our community. As a crime fighting effort, local law enforcement was going to change their policy and charge dealers more seriously with the addict’s death.

I am a staff member at a drug and alcohol treatment facility who does admissions. I hear the sad stories on a daily basis about people in the recovery community overdosing and dying. The newspaper seems to report regularly about heroin being seized, fentanyl being in the heroin, and overdoses. Addicts are sure to see this and head to that area.

One recent News Journal front page featured “Where Delaware Gets its Heroin." It spelled out where exactly to go to get heroin and how “pure” it is in north Philadelphia. I do not see how it is helpful to the addicts to give them directions to get the best heroin in an open air drug market.

The recovery community in Delaware is alive and well. I urge readers to contact the editor and give their own testimony for recovery and how they have changed their lives. Maybe it will help addicts and or alcoholics change rather than feed their addiction.

Adam Center
