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New rules mandate circle hooks to protect dusky sharks


The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has officially made final some new recreational shark fishing regulations to fulfill a legal obligation they have to provide additional conservation for dusky sharks which will likely take effect in 2018.

The news will probably confuse some anglers who know a thing or two about shark fishing and shark regulations as dusky sharks have been a no-take-prohibited species for more than a decade.

So how could they, and why would they initiate new fishing regulations for a fish anglers are not allowed to fish for in the first place?

The short answer to that question is that according to the (very questionable) catch data that NMFS has to work with, recreational anglers along the East Coast and Gulf of Mexico are catching and keeping a fair number of dusky sharks that they mistakenly think are legal species of sharks.

According to NMFS, even though the reported number of dusky sharks harvested is low, they are required by law to do something that will help reduce the mortality of these sharks by the recreational fishery.

Anglers are quite accustomed to having size or catch limits tightened or seasons shortened or even closed when marine managers determine that a species is being fished too hard. But in the case of the dusky shark, because of their prohibited status there are no limits to tweak or seasons to close — what can they do?

In this case the folks at NMFS came up with a plan that involves stepping up their efforts to educate anglers about the proper identification of dusky sharks in the hopes that less mistakes will be made out on the water and, therefore, less duskies will be boated rather than properly released.

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A major step in this education process will be to require anglers who wish to fish for sharks to request a "shark endorsement " when they apply for their annual HMS permit. Before getting the endorsement, anglers will likely have to view some kind of an online shark identification video. It's hoped that with some simple training at least some anglers will come away with the skills needed to know when they have a dusky on the end of their line and release them as required.

An equally important part of the new regulations, and probably the one that will cause a bit of kick-back from some fishermen, is a requirement that anyone fishing for sharks with natural bait be required to use non-offset circle hooks on their lines rather than the traditional "J" hook. Studies have proven that circle hooks are much more likely to hook a shark in the jaw rather than deep in the esophagus or stomach where it could lead to the eventual death of the shark.

With many dusky sharks being caught and released by anglers each year, it's thought that the use of circle hooks will substantially decrease the number that die from their encounters with fishermen, and while these regulations are specifically crafted to address issues with dusky sharks, it goes without saying that they will also help prevent unintended mortality in other species of shark as well.

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Anglers cannot predetermine what type of shark will come along and bite their line anytime they put a shark bait in the water, and since dusky sharks can be found anywhere from the surf-line to way out beyond the Continental Shelf, whether or not fishermen hope to, or even want to, hook dusky sharks, the new laws will require that they conduct their fishing operations in such a way that minimizes the chances of doing harm to these fish if they unintentionally hook one.

The good news is that once fishermen learn how to properly rig, bait, and use circle hooks they will realize that not only do they tend to hook in the corner of the mouth but once they grab hold there is less chance that the hook will pull free during the fight.

So the circle hook is the best tool for successfully landing the sharks they are trying to catch in the first place, which makes these new regulations a win-win for both fish and fisherman!